Automatically assign parent taxonomy terms to posts

How it works:

Using hook set_object_terms anytime the categories are updated, this function will check whether they belong to a parent category and select the parent categories as well (and parent of parent, etc).


Do not use save_post to update categories.. because when you save a post where you only update the categories.. the save_post hook is not called.

add_action( 'set_object_terms', 'auto_set_parent_terms', 9999, 6 );
 * Automatically set/assign parent taxonomy terms to posts
 * This function will automatically set parent taxonomy terms whenever terms are set on a post,
 * with the option to configure specific post types, and/or taxonomies.
 * @param int    $object_id  Object ID.
 * @param array  $terms      An array of object terms.
 * @param array  $tt_ids     An array of term taxonomy IDs.
 * @param string $taxonomy   Taxonomy slug.
 * @param bool   $append     Whether to append new terms to the old terms.
 * @param array  $old_tt_ids Old array of term taxonomy IDs.
function auto_set_parent_terms( $object_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy, $append, $old_tt_ids ) {

     * We only want to move forward if there are taxonomies to set
    if( empty( $tt_ids ) ) return FALSE;

     * Set specific post types to only set parents on.  Set $post_types = FALSE to set parents for ALL post types.
    $post_types = array( 'post' );
    if( $post_types !== FALSE && ! in_array( get_post_type( $object_id ), $post_types ) ) return FALSE;

     * Set specific post types to only set parents on.  Set $post_types = FALSE to set parents for ALL post types.
    $tax_types = array( 'category' );
    if( $tax_types !== FALSE && ! in_array( get_post_type( $object_id ), $post_types ) ) return FALSE;

    foreach( $tt_ids as $tt_id ) {

        $parent = wp_get_term_taxonomy_parent_id( $tt_id, $taxonomy );

        if( $parent ) {
            wp_set_post_terms( $object_id, array($parent), $taxonomy, TRUE );



Display cleaner excerpts – get rid of all shortcodes in excerpts

If you want to simply get rid of all shortcodes in excerpts, try this:

add_filter('pre_excerpt_content', 'shortcodes_trim');
function shortcodes_trim($content) {
	$content = preg_replace('/\[.*?\]/s', '', $content);
	return $content;

For Divi Page Builder, use this:

add_filter('pre_excerpt_content', 'trim_divi_shortcodes');
function trim_divi_shortcodes($content) {
    $content = preg_replace('/\[\/?et_pb.*?\]/', '', $content);
    return $content;

For Visual Composer, use this:

add_filter('pre_excerpt_content', 'trim_vc_shortcodes');
function trim_vc_shortcodes($content) {
    $content = preg_replace('/\[\/?vc.*?\]/', '', $content);
    $content = preg_replace('/\[\/?mk.*?\]/', '', $content);
    return $content;

get_the_content() WITH formatting

Normally the get_the_content() tag returns the content without formatting. I found out a solution to make get_the_content() tag return the same content as the_content().

For me and others that can be a problem if you expect them to behave the same. I looked into the WordPress core and found a solution. Put this code into your functions.php in your theme folder.

function get_the_content_with_formatting ($more_link_text = '(more...)', $stripteaser = 0, $more_file = '') {
	$content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file);
	$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
	$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);
	return $content;

In your theme, call the function within the loop:

WordPress – Add Author Profile Fields

function wpb_new_contactmethods( $contactmethods ) {
// Add Twitter
$contactmethods['twitter'] = 'Twitter';
//add Facebook
$contactmethods['facebook'] = 'Facebook';

return $contactmethods;

Find our more tips and tricks – 32 Extremely Useful Tricks for the WordPress Functions File:

WordPress Theme Options – Favicon, Header, and Footer

You can use this code to get the wordpress backend theme option selected images.

PHP File

// Favicon
$website_favicon_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_option('theme_options_website_favicon')[0], '');
$website_favicon = $website_favicon_array[0];

// Header Logo
$header_logo_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_option('theme_options_website_logo')[0], '');
$header_logo = $header_logo_array[0];

// Footer Logo
$footer_logo_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_option('theme_options_website_footer_logo')[0], '');
$footer_logo = $footer_logo_array[0];

Custom Tiny MCE Buttons

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse3882_after_setup_theme' );
function wpse3882_after_setup_theme()

add_filter('mce_buttons_2', 'wpse3882_mce_buttons_2');
function wpse3882_mce_buttons_2($buttons)
    array_unshift($buttons, 'styleselect');
    return $buttons;

add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'wpse3882_tiny_mce_before_init');
function wpse3882_tiny_mce_before_init($settings)
    $settings['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = 'p,h2,h3,h4';

    // From
    $style_formats = array(
        array('title' => 'Link With Icon', 'selector' => 'a', 'classes' => 'cta-link')
    // Before 3.1 you needed a special trick to send this array to the configuration.
    // See this post history for previous versions.
    $settings['style_formats'] = json_encode( $style_formats );

    return $settings;