Forms Login

Creating the login system

In Laravel 8 things have changed for the authentication system. 

First you need use your composer :

composer require laravel/jetstream

Then you have to create a new project:

laravel new login --jet

Which jetstream package do you prefer 0 livewire 1 inertia. Choose livewire here. Inertia when you want to use React.

Prepare database in phpmyadmin and make migrate:

php artisan migrate

Now, you can go to the registration page:

Register a user and also try logging out and in again.

Login creation overview

Check the default route list it created:

php artisan route:list

Open up your controller folder to view all the files created. Then check your database to see the user created and the remember me token created for them.

Retrieving authenticated user data

Update routes to see new message on homepage:

Route::get('/', function () {
        return 'the user is logged in';
    //return view('welcome');

And this is attempting to go back to page where you tried to access but redirects to login page:

Route::get('/', function () {
    // if(Auth::check()){
    //     return 'the user is logged in';
    // }
    //return view('welcome');

        return redirect()->intended();

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