Install extensions on PHP 8.0

To install PHP 8 extensions on Debian use the following command syntax:

sudo apt install php8.0-<extension>


  • <extension> is replaced with the actual extension name.

Some available extensions are as shown below:

$ sudo apt install php8.0-
php8.0-bcmath            php8.0-curl-dbgsym       php8.0-gmp-dbgsym        php8.0-mysql             php8.0-pspell-dbgsym     php8.0-tidy
php8.0-bcmath-dbgsym     php8.0-dba               php8.0-imap              php8.0-mysql-dbgsym      php8.0-readline          php8.0-tidy-dbgsym
php8.0-bz2               php8.0-dba-dbgsym        php8.0-imap-dbgsym       php8.0-odbc              php8.0-readline-dbgsym   php8.0-xdebug
php8.0-bz2-dbgsym        php8.0-dev               php8.0-interbase         php8.0-odbc-dbgsym       php8.0-snmp              php8.0-xml
php8.0-cgi               php8.0-enchant           php8.0-interbase-dbgsym  php8.0-opcache           php8.0-snmp-dbgsym       php8.0-xml-dbgsym
php8.0-cgi-dbgsym        php8.0-enchant-dbgsym    php8.0-intl              php8.0-opcache-dbgsym    php8.0-soap              php8.0-xsl
php8.0-cli               php8.0-fpm               php8.0-intl-dbgsym       php8.0-pgsql             php8.0-soap-dbgsym       php8.0-zip
php8.0-cli-dbgsym        php8.0-fpm-dbgsym        php8.0-ldap              php8.0-pgsql-dbgsym      php8.0-sqlite3           php8.0-zip-dbgsym
php8.0-common            php8.0-gd                php8.0-ldap-dbgsym       php8.0-phpdbg            php8.0-sqlite3-dbgsym
php8.0-common-dbgsym     php8.0-gd-dbgsym         php8.0-mbstring          php8.0-phpdbg-dbgsym     php8.0-sybase
php8.0-curl              php8.0-gmp               php8.0-mbstring-dbgsym   php8.0-pspell            php8.0-sybase-dbgsym


sudo apt install php8.0-{mysql,cli,common,imap,ldap,xml,fpm,curl,mbstring,zip}

To check loaded PHP modules use the command:

$ php -m

How to start, stop, and restart a cron job

Start a cron job

A cron job is started the moment it is added to the crontab. Note that the task may fail to run if the cron daemon isn’t started. To start the cron service on your Linux machine, run one of the following commands, depending on your Linux distro.

sudo /etc/init.d/cron start

Stop a cron job

You can stop a single cron job by removing its line from the crontab file. To do that, run the crontab -e command and then delete the line for the specific task. Alternatively, you can stop the cron job by commenting it out in the crontab file.

To stop all cron jobs at once and maybe resume them later, you can stop the cron daemon using the following commands:

sudo /etc/init.d/cron stop

Restart a cron job

To restart the cron daemon, run the following commands:

sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart

Update domain of WordPress site

If you need a new url to be the primary one for your WordPress site, read on.

Edit the DNS Record of New Domain

Point the new domain by editing the A record for the domain to point to the IP of the server.

Create a New Virtual Host

Copy the original virtual host to create the new one and then edit it:

cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/ /etc/apache2/sites-available/
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Just update the domain information part, not the directory it points to.

Enable the new virtual host:


Restart apache2 to see the new domain in effect:

service apache2 restart

When you visit the website now, you’ll be able to visit with both domains. The original domain will show all files and images correctly, while the new domain the site will look a little broken.

Update the Database

You need to update the database to use the new domain for the wp_siteurl, wp_home and all links to files and images. There are two ways to do this.

  1. WP Migrate plugin
    The quickest way to do this is to use the WP Migrate plugin to export the database. The plugin adds a Find and Replace already loaded with the current domain. Add the new domain in the Replace field beside it. You can remove the absolute path to the directory as that’s not changing. Export the database.
  2. Edit SQL file with EditPad Lite
    If you do not have WP Migrate installed, you can download the database and open the sql file with EditPad Lite which is good for opening large files. Do a find and replace with the new domain.

Drop all tables from the live website and then upload your new sql file from WP Migrate or your edited one from EditPad Lite into the database.

Now if you visit the new domain, the images will load correctly. You will also be able to see the original domain which we’ll need to change as only one should be primary.

Redirect to the Primary Domain

Update your htaccess file at the top to redirect all domains to the new domain:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^new\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Now the domain is updated for your WordPress site!

Get WordPress posts from another WordPress website

$response = wp_remote_get( add_query_arg( array(
		'per_page' => 3
	), '' ) );
	if( !is_wp_error( $response ) && $response['response']['code'] == 200 ) {
		$posts = json_decode( $response['body'] ); // our posts are here
		foreach( $posts as $post ) {
			$date = date('F j, Y', strtotime($post->date));
			echo '<div class="blog-post-date">' . $date . '</div>';
			echo '<h3 class="blog-post-title">'. $post->title->rendered . '</h3>';
			echo $post->content->rendered;
			//$output .= print_r( $post );